Amy Baumgartel Singer ’89

Amy Baumgartel SingerA legacy family that is creating a legacy of giving for their family: Amy Baumgartel Singer, a member of the Wheeler graduating Class of 1989, with her husband, Adam, and children, Hannah ’20 and William ’24

Who or what inspires you to be philanthropic?
Amy's experience as a student at Wheeler, along with the experiences of our children, is what truly inspires us to give to Wheeler and include it in our estate planning. Faculty members are free to teach to or about their passion. Couple this with the extraordinary staff who take equal pride in creating a tremendous education for all students at Wheeler, and giving to Wheeler is an easy task.

How did you come to create an estate plan when you did?
After the birth of our second child we decided it was time to make some long-term plans. After determining who would care for our children and other "big items", we also wanted to make sure that our estate, although quite modest, would recognize the connection our family has had with Wheeler since 1983 when Amy started seventh grade; a connection that will hopefully continue through the graduation of our children.

How did you ultimately decide Wheeler as a beneficiary of your legacy gift? Is there an important moment, person or special occasion at Wheeler that may have influenced your decision or made a big difference in your life?
We chose (to designate our gift to support) the Memorial Garden at the Farm because we wanted to support a part of the Wheeler campus that has great meaning for us. Amy remembers many happy afternoons playing varsity tennis as a student and many more afternoons enjoying the Farm with Hannah and William while watching her Upper School students compete on athletic teams. Hannah's experience at the 6th Grade Farm program has already been a highlight in her own Wheeler career. William has enjoyed fun class events like the Bug Hunt, World Cultures Day and Safari Day (the latter two through the Aerie program's connection with the second and third grade curricula). We have also attended many Field Days, Fall Fests, Community Council Barbeques and Upper School Graduations at the Farm which leave only the best of memories in our minds.

When you think of Wheeler, what key words or phrases come to your mind?

  • It may sound weird, but "yeasty" — there is always something going on at Wheeler. Whether there are kids in the courtyard encouraging each other to deliver monologues from the stone steps or bent over a laptop creating a presentation for class, you can almost smell the new ideas cooking!
  • Kids are encouraged to grow along many dimensions at once and given the appropriate support along the way.
  • Committed, caring and inspiring faculty and staff
  • Busy, busy, busy — being the root of the change we want to realize in our nation's future by influencing the youth of today

What would you say to other alumnae/i about leaving a legacy gift to Wheeler?
Don't fear that your gift has to be something huge or impressive. Small gifts made by many people over time have been the root of many of the remarkable qualities we see in the Wheeler of today.